Monday, December 31, 2012

HAPPY 2013! (in new york.)

OK I'M EXCITED BECAUSE IT'S FINALLY NEW YEARS RIGHT NOW. It's currently 12:10am in New York, which means IT'S 2013.
Haha it's actually pretty funny because where Vy (Vickie K) lives, it's still 2012. So I took advantage of that:
ahh, my stupid jokes. (;
Since I live in New York, I should've be in Times Square right now, but here I am, at home, typing up this new post. So much life hur. 
I wish I could be there right now, seeing that crystal ball drop, and then feel like a loner looking at all those couples kiss nonstop. Oh wells, I'll make it my goal to see it when I'm a bit older, maybe 2015?  LOL.

I'm sure many people already wrote about new years, and their new years resolutions or w/e it's called right? Well, guess I'll follow that trend and do that too. :D
1) Do great in school as always, in fact, I want my average to stay 96% or higher. (nerd)
2) My family staying healthy forever :D
3)Become a better blogger with more interesting topics ( because looking at it now, our blog post doesn't seem that interesting, even though i admit that we are pretty funny and deserves more people looking at it. conceited moment)
4) Find an inspiration to do something that I love
5) get money in chinese new year <3( not really a resolution or anything)
6) To continue blogging without losing interest
7) Have better skin and look prettier ( copied from vy haha)
8) become less tech challenged
9)get korean bf, get marry, have baby, live life til fullest. HAHA jk. thinking too far.

PS: I FEEL MORE MOTIVATED TO BLOG NOW BECAUSE WE FINALLY HAVE OUR FIRST COMMENT <3 YEEE! Special shoutout to Rindodo, that comment, even though it's something small, it made us feel really motivated to write more. That one comment made us feel one step closer to being known . NOT ONLY THAT~ I FEEL LIKE 2013 IS GOING TO BE GREAT! 


                                                                                                        -Vickie Z

Foreveralone Day. Happy Early New Years Eve!(California)!!

Okay, I can't believe how much of a "foreveralone" person I am. Well, Vickie Z is one too. but her's is like FOREVERALONE LVL: 10000 Mine would be FOREVERALONE LVL: ERROR (LIMIT EXCEED) or something. LOL anyways. Since I had such a boring day today I would like to share it to you wonderful people who are reading this right now (:

So after hibernating, I went to eat breakfast while watching WGM (We Got Married). Those of you who don't know what it is should like try it out~ I'm not sure if it's scripted though, because sometimes it may seem like it is and sometimes it doesn't. WGM IS SUCH A TROLL.
here's some images from google. hehe because being the lazy person I am. I am too lazy to take screenshots.
Why are koreans so beautiful ;__; (my jealous tears) Julien is so cute and hot. aksdmgkdmka

Sunhwa is like my bias in Secret. So forgive me for posting photos of her.

Then I continued my foreveralone routine , going on facebook and watching the gayo daejun videos or whatever it is called. Did i say B.A.P and Secret's performance was spazz worthy <333 and f(x) and ailee. and and EXO.Please excuse my fangirlness over kpop.

 After that I went to some japanese shop in irvine~

 The picture arrangement is so weird LOL. So I just snapped some pictures because I'm weird and all. It's just an average asian store with like cute stuff. haha. It is so crowded. Omg I was going to take pictures of the food, but i gobbled it all up.

I love that scented lizard thingy majbob. 
  And here are some other thingys.

The BB face mask caught my attention because of the bb, ahhhh I'm afraid to try it but whatever goes~ and the peach smells so gooooooooooood *o*
So after that, we went to 85 degree bakery , only to find they were closed for a New Year's Party. Way to rub it in my foreveralone life bakery. 
Psh, but their pastries are so goooood *o* It's like paradise there~

I'll link some images from google too. It's a chinese bakery.Click here for info about the bakery. a-hem...

Google image arrangements are so weird. LOLOL I still can't go over that. Anyways, I hope everyone who's reading this to have a wonderful wonderful wonderful x1000000000 New Year's Eve.

My New Year's Resolution List:

  • get better grades, do well in school get smarter(all that typical stuff)
  • for this blog to get more readers (our wish after that one comment <333 ) 
  • to stop being a lazy ass ( Oh and to stop procrastination) and go do my homework. ):
  • To get a boyfriend possibly... and maybe reduce my foreveralone life.

I really can't believe 2012 is like going to be over in less than 3 hours. 2012 is such a unique year full of happy and sad memories, but I'm still thankful for it. (Omg that sounds so poetic and deep. Makes me proud jk)

To everyone here, give yourself a pat on the back or if you aren't as foreveralone as me. Go hug someone. Congratulations for surviving 2012 and well as the apocalypse.

I hope 2013 would be an amazing years full of promising futures, hopes, smiles, and followers/subscribers(for our blog) . WE WOULD LOVE YOU FOREVER!! ♥
Alright, HAPPY EARLY NEW YEAR'S EVE EVERYBODY. Go celebrate. Do some dance moves, and have a happy non-foreveralone new years eve. Omg how many times did I say that. (I dare you to count how many times I used the word foreveralone)Okokok BYE! HAFFUNS WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY WHILE I'M OFF TO SHOWERING KEKEKE.!!!~~ (Note: this was published after editing like 1000000000x times.)
-Vickie K.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Vacation Routines

Hello guise!
        Well this whole week is off for high-schoolers like us. Well... at least in California and New York, idk about you guise :c. Give yourself a pat on your back if u do have school, since you did work hard ;) BUT. If you do have vacation, then, get off your chair, go to your bathroom mirror, and give yourself a high5 :D!

So on to what I'm about to write about( yes i did write "about" 2x):
HOW WAS YOUR VACATION? :D is what you might ask me (vickie z)
haha jk, do comment about your vacation if your willing to spare your time on this sad lonely blog :3
Well, since it's vacation, I'm sure we all have similar routines everyday right?
At least that's what I do.
Want to know what I do everyday? ;)
If no, click here:
If yes, read on :D
Ok. Ever since vacation started, I been pigging out and eating as much food as I can so i can store fat for when I hibernate. :3 chips, candies, pocky, tea,soda, chocolate, seeweed, ALL FLAVORS OF WATER( jk ), rice, more rice, more rice, noodles, more noodles, etc, etc. After eating all those food, I was finally ready to hibernate.
I sleep approximately 12 hours a day. Close enough to hibernation ;)
so cute *0*

I wake up, I do all those morning things, then I look for morning food in my snack bin (to be ready for my next hibernation), then I open computer.
-9 hours later-

It's about 1AM in New york and I'm about to go to sleep.
just because she's 3 hour earlier than me and it's like 10pm in her place :( no fair. </3
-1 more hour on facebook-
By this time, my mom is so pissed at me that a volcano can literally explode.
She'll get that asian broom ready to make me gotta sleep. (jk) HAHA she can't hurt a precious child like me :') <3
ok, after she forces me to bed, I still won't sleep yet :D
No computer for me? fine.
-takes out miracle cellphone-
-Goes on facebook mobile-
YEAHHHH :D so smart right?
-1 more hour on facebook-
By then, It's like 3am and I'm literally about to collasp into my bed.
HIBERNATE TIME <3 and the cycle continues :3
Interesting vacation routine huh?

PS: I think i overexaggerated my computer hours, but it's close to that. Pray for my eye sights guise. :c
      I sound really no life, and your first impression of me is dying aye? Here's something to make you have a better impression of me:


Hibernation Forever

DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN SUPERSTICIOUS HOWEVER YOU SPELL IT THINGS! in fact, go back to read about my boring daily life routines during my vacation ;D
Here's a super sad moment post thing:
It's the cold winter, and as the title says, my grandpa decided to hibernate. forever.
OR , to be more realistic in human language:
My grandfather got up. Walk up 100000000+ stairs. And gone up to meet the superstar goddess in heaven.
Well...not exactly true, but hey! Gotta think positive.
He did live his life fully even if he passed away. After all he's already 81 ( in Chinese calender or something)
R.I.P. grandpapa, you will be missed :'(

Anyways, have you guise ever have thoughts about what happen to people once they pass away?
Do they walk around and stalk people >.> ............ (gasp! that means I can't do anything weird )

Maybe they turn into stars. oooh~
Or turn into air
Or turn into animals
Or turn into plants
Or turn into planets (haha)

Maybe my grandpa is currently in the "all he can eat" section in heaven. And while i'm typing this, he's currently choosing wether he should eat rice or noodle. hmmm......

Anyways, my point is that whatever my grandpa is right now, wherever he is, i hope that he is enjoying it.
As the saying goes:
"Where there is an ending must be a new beginning" -anonymous

PS: You should definatly go on youtube, search "Heaven" by Ailee if you hadn't. <3
      This might seem outta topic, but at least I'm still relating a bit to my topic ye? ;)

                                                                                                                 -Vickie Z-

Is Your Passion About Fashion???


Everyone's main concern. Well, mine at least. I mean is it weird to like totally stare at what the pretty girls are wearing wishing it was mine c: and calling clothes hot. omg im si weird but anyways....So what's the trend right now? This post will sort of guide you through . (my fashion or obsessions LOL). Since I was like on forever21 website, spazzing over all their clothes ♥
 List of Trending Clothes/Accessories 

1.Collar Necklaces(Shirts) 
Don't you see it like everywhere you go now? Girls wearing collar shirts under their sweaters and stuff? Like technically 99.99% people wear them. Okay, maybe I was exaggerating a bit, but yep.
Sheer Blouses
and they even make necklaces out of it .
Omg. Yes. It's even on dress!!!

2. Oversized Sweaters and Cardigans
You can't miss the oversized sweaters and cadigans too huh?
Cute Polka Dot Sweater worn with a collar shirt. SEE. I TOLD YOU!
Pastel colored sweaters are totally the trend now days~

Weather it be military styled boots, or uggs . Boots are a must to complete your outfit. Omg wtf. Why do I sound like some advertiser. So weird. I didn't mean to,but anyways they are ok.

These are like considered the bombs now. Everyone has them...... cept me. haha.. not funny
UGGS. <3 Forking expensive little things, but totally worth it. 

and you can't forget leather hot.

4. Scarfs/Beanies
Since it is like winter here, and it's like freaking cold. I'm like shivering while writing this. Literally.

that color<3
She's so perfect. omg
when ulzzangs wear it. They just make everything look so beautiful. why am i not born beautiful . ef em el.

I love this color so much.
okay, it's like late. so I'm too lazy to write captions. A picture is worth a thousand words right?

5.Colorful Pants(Jeggings)
Totes colorful c:
WARNING: Not everyone can pull of this look (No offense meant) I mean sometimes the colors may appear to vibrant. so be wise.
Ehehehhe Blue
The Color !!!

Places to shop at?

Obviously.... from all those pictures. You know where
Macy's is a maybe, because some of their clothes are blehh, but there are some gems in there.
Okay, I'm done here. Having such a headache now. Uhh. Happy Shopping,Winter,New Years! Whatever it is. 
-Vickie K.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Tech Challenged Girl

Hello, I'm Vickie Z, and as you all know, I'm technology challenged.
It means I suck at anything related to technology, The most i can do is probably change the color of my pictures and sometimes, edit some ugly black spots on my face. ew.
In case your wondering, the editor i use is Xiuxiu Meitu.
Oh, i also know how to rotate pictures. I'm learning C:
So while Vickie K is busy making our soon to be BEAUTIFUL blog background picture thing, (but if our background didn't change within next probably means that it was unsuccessful, after all, we're both technology challenged, it's just that i'm more of a failure in it ), I'm just sitting here giving her suggestions and well, doing nothing. AND THAT IS WHY I'M WRITING A NEW POST ( because i want to make it look like i contribute to this blog, yay!) 
You guise might not believe this, but I'm actually attending a technical school. awkward...

To be honest, this post is mostly dedicated to Vy ( aka. vickie k) ahem. That I'm actually doing something useful instead of being a lazy ass :( 

Here's a 3D green tea mocha frappe from Starbucks. You deserve it ;) 
LOL <3

Redbana Audition

You may ask, what game did you two meet in? ;)
Well, there ya go again, in the title. But before talking about it, i want to rant on how hard it is to find the blog post button thingy. IT TOOK ME LITERALLY 50 MINS TO FIND THIS BUTTON. I partly blame myself for sucking at technology so much, but i just couldn't find it. So guess what the smart me did? I went on my history and looked for the blog that i was editing yesterday, AND TADA! HERE I AM :D now on to talking about audition.

WARNING: This is not an advertisement about why you should play it . haha jk. maybe C: 
        Ok. I don't really know the history of Audition, but i do know how fun it is. This game is not like the usual fighting games. In fact, it has nothing to do with fighting, unless you think of dancing as fighting...nah. 
It's a game that a tech challanged girl like me can play. All you need to do is press up down left right button and your character will dance to it. Sounds silly right? But it can get really addicting.
I met many weird people and not to mention I MET KOREANS. LOTS OF CUTE KOREANS. ok LOL . I started off as a lonely soul, but met some really nice people and started going online to play daily. (no life talk here) I can't really say anything bad about this game except for some of the drama's thats going around in people's life, which happens probably in every game ? Except fighting games ofc LOL, their probably too busy fighting and killing monsters to have time to talk. Thats not bad tho, shows that you're serious about it. Ok, back to talking about audition. It's a game that's all about dancing, many players go on it almost daily. The characters are 3D and they're very reasonable with the price of the clothes. You look really nice if you pay cash for the clothes in that game, but if you dont, they also have some really nice looking clothes that you can buy with fake cash that you get in the game.

Pic of me with fake cash clothes, haha jk. It actually doesn't look that bad
                                                 Heres a pic of me with cash. And vickie ky (fragment)
You can also have couple clothes 
Still sounds boring? Well, this game involves several types of dance style, bboy/bgirl, ballroom, couple dance ( so cute), club, 8key, 4key,6key. Yea you can go on their page to look at the details. But the best part of this game is all about meeting people, making them your close friends, seeing how they look like on Facebook/Msn, and then talking to them on Skype. WOOT. You can also find relationships their, like couples. You can make it friendship or treat it as a real relationship in your life. Cute huh? Audi has a lot of great deals for couples so make it your goal to get one if you go on Audi ;) did i also tell you how you can marry? Here's pics of the vickies in their no life marriage game on audi :3 haha. 

Vickie Z                           Vickie K.

<------                             -------->

If your more interested in fighting,  there are tourneys that you can go to  
                                                        show off your skills :)
haha not bragging but i feel proud of this ^
Even though recently i hadnt been playing it due to school and maybe i got bored of it? But still, it was really a fun game and it was actually worth my time. So go try it out <3